Synonym: over and over, over and over again, time and again, time and time again. Similar words: now and again, again, against, all over again, fight against, struggle against, hope against hope, over and over again. Meaning: adv. repeatedly.

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(31) Again and again until I giggled with delight.
(32) Again and again he despaired at the truth.
(33) Again and again he tried to recreate that moment.
(34) Again and again he goes under the knife.
(35) Her assailant lunged, stabbing at her again and again.
(36) Beetle Bailey will go through boot camp again and again,[] never to be promoted above private.
(37) Yet, by a miracle of defensive dexterity, Kasparov survived again and again from what looked like imminent disaster.
(38) All I remember is the wrenching loss as l watched the last birch disappear. l have relived it again and again.
(39) I was warned again and again by friendly police officers of some rank to slacken the pace: and I refused.
(40) Moments that you want to revel in again and again.
(41) You must confront your fears and doubts and take risks again and again.
(42) The Secrets of Santa is a magical, colourful book which all Brownies will love reading again and again.
(43) I grubbed for whole ones, baby skulls to fill my sack again and again.
(44) And yet today she had glanced again and again at her hand, and found herself remembering.
(45) Delicately Louisa had tried again and again to create the opportunity, but she had been allowed no room.
(46) Again and again he paints the crowd's attempts at leisure as feeble reproductions of the discipline of the factory.
(47) The anthropologists have to point again and again to the great many societies in which spouses are arranged and not freely chosen.
(48) It's like doing one of those IQ tests and you keep going over the words and numbers again and again.
(49) Then we had to run back to the front of the line and go through the whole process again and again.
(50) He would return to such motifs again and again over the years, overworking an existing drawing or destroying and starting afresh.
(51) Written off again and again, he has proved phenomenal in resilience and political craftiness.
(52) Listen, listen - it learns a new language, chanting strange words again and again.
(53) Again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made. Robert H. Schuller 

(54) You are able to input new and popular patterns to be stored at a later date for use again and again.
(55) The Millwall brick, for example, was a newspaper folded again and again and squashed together to form a cosh.
(56) A good book enlightens and empowers your mind, and it is worth reading over again and again – new lessons are learned and new perceptions are acquired. Dr T.P.Chia 

(57) Again and again, Ishmael is faced with the impossibility of successfully completing his task.
(58) He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick.
(59) But the heat and the endlessly pestering fleas and bedbugs dragged them, again and again, back to consciousness.
(60) We praised everything again and again, though actually the flavors were very strange.
More similar words: now and again, again, against, all over again, fight against, struggle against, hope against hope, over and over again, gain, regain, bargain, ungainly, bougainvillea, collective bargaining, propaganda, maintenance, maintain, attainable, complain about, sustainable, unattainable, sustainability, gait, gaiety, agape, agate, vagary, bandage, magazine, propagate.